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Sunday 24 April 2016

From a digital sketchbook

This week, with time away in Norwich and Stamford visiting friends, I've had little time in my studio. During what time there was, ideas didn't flow or came to nothing and I felt frustrated.

I turned to thoughts in Photoshop from which I expected little and played with some recent photos of urban landscapes - digital doodles really - of high rise buildings, reflections in windows and overhead structures

The varied results are below.

And then was one onto which I added a possible stitch line to suggest vegetation removed to make way for the building - a current obsession of  mine. (The photo here on Blogger appears far more washed out than it does direct onto  my PC screen- not sure why). 

I haven't woven for a while and I'm contemplating a piece around buildings. Some interesting thoughts have glimmered while I played here. Maybe the time spent going off at a tangent and manipulating these (and other) photos was productive after all. It's often the way I find ...


  1. Lovely lines though complicated for weaving I would have thought. Will be interesting to see how you progress.

    1. Complicated indeed - in fact much too complicated as they appear here. I have a couple of simpler photos that I've not shown that should be doable. Some of these photos have elements within that might be useful for details, maybe stitched onto the cloth after I've woven it?... time will tell.

  2. You sound excited and I know that feeling! The wandering...staying open, that not knowing...full of what if? I like the way you found yourself in this place of weaving and with lovely questions still in the air...definitely stay tuned!

    1. Thank you very much for your encouraging comments. I get so involved in everything I do which is why I do it I guess - and I really enjoy changes of focus like this. I started a weaving yesterday and will post something when there's something interesting to post and when I've answered some of those questions!


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